
Dog Breeds that are Most Compatible with Each Other

What’s better than one puppy? The answer is definitely two puppies! Did you know some dog breeds are compatible with each other, while some breeds do not get along?  Whether you’re interested in getting two puppies at once or adding a new puppy to your one-dog household. This article contains the very best dog breed […]

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What’s better than one puppy? The answer is definitely two puppies! Did you know some dog breeds are compatible with each other, while some breeds do not get along? 

Whether you’re interested in getting two puppies at once or adding a new puppy to your one-dog household. This article contains the very best dog breed combos that get along great with each other.

Two Yorkshire Terriers dressed as man and wife showcase how male and female dogs are the most compatible.


Before we dive into the best matched dog breed combinations. We want to address two important factors that largely influence compatibility between two dogs. These factors are whether or not the two dogs are the same breed. And whether or not they’re the same sex

The first point will be easy to gloss over. Though this article is about matching different dog breeds for their compatibility, we would like to mention that getting two dogs that belong to the same breed will always work.

Dogs recognize other dogs that belong to their breed, and there follows an instinctual kinship. When you take home two puppies from the same breed, even if they’re not from the same litter, they’ll accept one another and get along. This is because they share the same breed. Even more interesting, if you get a puppy to join your adult-aged dog. And they’re both the same breed. Your adult resident dog will readily accept the puppy. 

This compatibility can be frustrated, however, based on the sex of the dogs. As a general rule, bear the following in mind if you want harmony between your household dogs. The best combination for compatibility is a male dog and a female dog. Even if you have an adult dog, if it’s a male. Then the puppy you bring home should be a female. The worst combination is two male dogs, and second-worst is two female dogs.

Does this mean that two male or two female dogs won’t get along within the home? No. There are many cases of female dogs getting along with one another, as well as male dogs. It just means that there will be some naturally ingrained territorial discord that will have to be overcome. We know of many multiple dog households with several male and several female dogs. And the entire family is very affectionate and happy. We just wanted to offer you this insight so that you can make an informed decision. 

Now, on to the breeds! 

A Golden Retriever and German Shepherd are compatible dog breeds looking in the same direction and smiling.


The Golden Retriever is easily the most popular American family dog. This breed is gentle, patient, affectionate, and highly companionable. Golden Retrievers are great with babies, toddlers, and those monstrous “terrible twos.” This speaks to the calm nature of this loyal dog breed. This calm nature also carries over as a willingness to accept and befriend new puppies and other dogs. Whether you have an adult Golden Retriever at home and want to add a puppy. Or you’re interested in getting two puppies, the Golden Retriever dog breed will ensure peace and harmony in your household. 

Golden Retrievers will get along with a wide variety of dog breeds. This includes more “aggressive” breeds like the Rottweiler. And also includes small, nervous breeds like the Italian Greyhound.

Here are some of the best dog breeds and most compatible dog breeds for the Golden Retriever:

  1. Labrador Retriever
  2. All Spaniels (Cocker Spaniel, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, English Springer Spaniel, etc.)
  3. Beagle
  4. German Shepherd
  5. Pugs
  6. Goldendoodle
  7. Boston Terrier
  8. Poodle
  9. Rottweiler

If you get these breeds as puppies, then the training and socialization process should include training the puppies how to treat and respect one another, especially if one of the puppies is behaving aggressively. It’s not likely that your Golden Retriever will be aggressive, but as your Golden Retriever grows, his sheer size could intimidate a very small breed, like a Pug.

When matching a Golden Retriever with a dog breed that’s known for protecting the home, like a German Shepherd or Rottweiler,  it’s best if the protection breed is female and the Golden Retriever is male.

Overall, you can’t go wrong with a Golden Retriever. This lovable dog breed gets along with just about every other dog breed under the sun. 

The most compatible dog breeds are Labrador Retrievers and French Bulldogs, depicted here against a white background.


Labrador Retrievers are “right up there” next to Golden Retrievers when it comes to popular family dog breeds. Labradors are known as the friendliest dog breed and the best dog breed for first time dog owners, because they’re very easy to train and willing to please their owners. Labrador Retrievers have a ton of energy and they like having jobs to do around the house. They’re very obedient, yet if you give your Lab the green light that it’s play time, watch out! Your Labrador Retriever may start bouncing off the walls if you don’t take him out!

The friendly, playful, and cheerful attitude of the Labrador Retriever makes it one of the best companion dog breeds to get along with a wide variety of other breeds. This is similar to the Golden Retriever, but where the Golden Retriever is patient, passive, and low-key, the Labrador Retriever is exuberant, inquisitive, and boisterous. You can mellow your Lab out by matching him with a low-key breed, like the Great Dane. Or you can play into your Lab’s high energy by matching him with another high energy breed, like a Border Collie. 

Here are our personal favorite dog breeds for Labrador Retrievers: 

  1. Golden Retriever
  2. Greyhound
  3. German Shepherd
  4. Border Collie
  5. French Bulldog
  6. Dachshund
  7. Doberman Pinscher
  8. Great Dane
  9. Schnauzer & Miniature Schnauzer    

Petland Cleveland always recommends Labrador Retrievers to active individuals and families that are prepared to have a high-energy companion dog that they can bring on walks, hikes, jogs, and other outdoor adventures. This doesn’t mean that the second dog you get has to match this activity level. Your Labrador Retriever will love to bond with you during a long jog, just you and your Lab, even if that means leaving your Dachshund at home for after-exercise snuggles with the whole family.

The one caveat to owning a Labrador or any high energy puppy is that you’ll need to put in the time and effort during the training process. This will ensure that you end up with a well-behaved Lab that obeys you in all situations. This is especially important during outings, like hikes or trips to the dog park. A poorly trained Lab, bursting with energy, will be apt to run off and not heed your call to come back if he hasn’t been thoroughly trained. 

Two dog breeds that get along are Pembroke Welsh Corgi and Dachshund, dressed in a bow tie and sweater, as they sit on a tree stump in a forest.


The Corgi dog breed, which includes the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, is a friendly, happy-go-lucky breed that generally gets along with other dog breeds. We’re going to focus on the Pembroke Welsh Corgi since it’s more popular and available in the U.S. 

The Corgi is a “short” dog that actually has a type of dwarfism, which causes its legs to be quite short. It has a long torso and fox-like head. This dog was originally bred to hunt and its physique was a good shape to dive into fox holes and other animal burrows. The Corgi’s personality is both upbeat and righteous. Anyone who owns a Corgi and other domestic animals will tell you that their Corgi is the “policeman” of the household. Corgis know the house rules and they will force the other animals to follow the rules. 

Despite their small stature, a Corgi will not be shy about asserting himself with other dogs, but this only occurs when the other dog has overstepped his boundary, such as trying to touch the Corgi’s favorite toy or go near the Corgi’s food bowl. With respect to this personality trait, it’s best to match a Corgi with small, docile breeds that won’t challenge your Corgi’s authority. 

These are the most compatible dog breeds for the Pembroke Welsh Corgi:

  1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  2. Dachshund
  3. Pug
  4. Border Collie
  5. Havanese
  6. Beagle
  7. Golden Retriever
  8. Chihuahua
  9. American Shepherd 

As you train, housebreak, and socialize your Corgi, it’s important to bear in mind some less desirable character traits that are deeply ingrained in the Corgi dog breed. These are a mischievous streak and the tendency to “nip at heels.” With firm, consistent training and positive reinforcement, you can greatly curb your Corgi’s innate desire to do these habits, but it may not be easy. Corgis were used as herding dogs of smaller livestock, like sheep and goats. Unlike Border Collies and German Shepherds who were used to herd livestock at a distance, never getting too close to the animals, Corgis had a different “method” that involved nipping the hooves of the livestock. Don’t be surprised if your Corgi tries to “herd” you and your family by nipping at your heels, but you can discourage this behavior with puppy training. 

Yorkshire Terrier and Bichon Frise sit on a tree stump in a meadow, proving that compatible dog breeds come in all shapes and sizes.


The final dog breed that we’ll address today is the Bichon Frise. This intelligent, personable, and friendly dog breed has a sweet nature that is ready, willing, and able to get along with other dogs, domestic animals, and people of all ages and from all walks of life. Bichon Frises are cheerful and optimistic, and as a true companion dog, the Bichon Frise will both love sitting on your lap and be willing to share you with another resident dog. 

Given the delicate size and gentle nature of the Bichon Frise, we can’t suggest that this dog breed will get along with all the other dog breeds. If you want to keep your Bichon Frise happy and maintain peace within the home, then we recommend that you get another small, companion dog breed for your home. The only exception to this general advice is if you get a Golden Retriever or Labrador Retriever, which as we’ve covered in this article are the two friendliest dog breeds. 

Here are the best dog breeds to get along with your cute Bichon Frise:

  1. Miniature Poodle
  2. Samoyed
  3. Miniature Pinscher
  4. Beagle
  5. Yorkshire Terrier
  6. Havanese
  7. Lhasa Apso
  8. Maltese 

The trick to keeping your Bichon Frise happy with another dog in the home is to shower your Bichon Frise with lots of love, affection, attention, and snuggles. There’s no need to exclude the other dog, either, as the Bichon Frise dog breed is not jealous. For a full-on cuddly household, make plenty of time for snuggles, training with treats, and fun outings with the whole family!

Now that you know the dog breeds that are most compatible with each other, which combo of doggos are you going to bring home? If you’re still debating, Petland Cleveland can help. Stop by our locations in Parma and Strongsville, OH, and ask our knowledgeable pet counselors which dog breeds will get along best and fit your personal lifestyle and household.

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